Tuesday, December 3, 2013


There are many benefits to exercising but specifically for diabetics:

·           Exercise helps your cells to increase sensitivity to insulin created by your pancreas or     provided through medications. 
·         Keeps the body strong and healthy.
·         Supports the body in glucose absorption and maintenance.
·         lowers blood pressure and cholesterol
·         lowers your risk for heart disease and stroke
·         burns calories to help you lose or maintain weight
·         increases your energy for daily activities
·         helps you sleep better
·         relieves stress
·         strengthens your heart and improves your blood circulation
·         strengthens your muscles and bones
·         keeps your joints flexible
·         improves your balance to prevent falls
·         reduces symptoms of depression and improves quality of life

Make a plan that is tailored to you by talking with your doctor, checking your sugar and insulin requirements, and finding exercises that work for you. This should help you and not hurt you, so adjust it the way that you need it. If hypoglycema/hyperglycemia symptoms occur while exercising, check your blood sugar! Always talk to your doctor before making a change in your exercise plan to prevent complications.

Always be prepared to treat hypoglycemia while exercising. Have a quick carbohydrate or sugar such as a sport’s drink, regular soda, or glucose tablets handy at all times just in case. Type II diabetics are still at risk for hypoglycemia, but this risk is much less than someone with Type I diabetes. If you do have a hypoglycemic episode, eat some type of sugar or carbohydrate, wait 15-20 minutes, then recheck your blood glucose.

Example exercises for seniors:
  •    Focus on balance exercises, flexibility exercises, endurance, and strength.
  •   Avoid strenuous exercises and exercises that raise blood pressure significantly.
  •  Yoga, tai chi, side leg raises, and knee extensions are balance
  • Flexibility: Stretch all muscles out to provide elasticity, strength, and prevent injuries.
  •  Strength: Works with balance many times. Use light weights or bands to work with strength, but do NOT overdo it. Do not be so strenuous as this can cause high blood pressure and retinopathy, a common complication of diabetes.
  •  Endurance: Walking, running, jogging, swimming. This helps with the heart and lungs as well as prevents or delays cancer and other complications of diseases.
  • For more information go to BD Medical
Exercising with Diabetes Complications
Know what kinds of exercises work for you and what you should avoid.  Follow the link to see what you should avoid if you have another disease process.Exercise with Diabetes

Preventing Injury
  • Warm up for 5 minutes before exercising and cool down for 5 minutes when you are finished exercising.
  •  Avoid extreme temperatures while exercising.
  •  Stay hydrated! Drink plenty of water before, during, and after exercising.
  • Stop your activity if you feel light-headed, chest pain, or blood sugar is low. 


  1. This webpage is so impressive!!! I feel like it is cute and user-friendly with great aesthetics! I find it interesting and interactive. The information is complete and organized with multiple medias and learning styles incorporated. One of the greatest strengths I see is the use of links on the side of the page. It provides an invitation to the audience to do some research on their own. Having the introductory video right off is pretty nice to get the audience thinking. Something you could have done better is make the homepage less wordy; maybe make links for the information instead of having it all right there. Overall, excellent work!

  2. • Completeness and organization of the information
    Very complete! I thought the information you provided was basic enough and deep enough for the elderly population. Very organized as well! You guys totally know how to use blogspot better than me! The content was placed in appropriate categories and was very easy to follow.
    • Appropriateness of the information for the learning audience
    Yup, elderly can be diabetic
    • Aesthetics of the webpage
    Very aesthetically pleasing. I like to colors you chose and the placement of words and pictures.
    • Strengths of the webpage
    There was some information on here that was a good reminder for me! Like s/s of both hyper and hypoglycemia. Also, the impact carbs have and the exchange method. Also, the impact exercise has. This is something I haven't been thinking about much and can totally teach my patients with diabetes.
    • Something they could have done better
    Really, your website was great. I'm really jealous of your little links and names on the side of the page. I would not know how to do that. I guess you could have talked about insulin pumps. I feel like I do not know very much about those.

  3. -Completeness and organization of the information
    The information is very complete and organized so well.
    -Appropriateness of the information for the learning audience
    The information on your blog is very appropriate for the learning audience of the senior citizens, and very important! there are too many non-compliant diabetics.
    -Aesthetics of the webpage
    Very pretty webpage, pleasing to the eye, easy to navigate.
    -Strengths of the webpage
    I like how each category is a separate post so you can click on the side bar to different places in the blog to read just that section. It's like an index!
    -Something they could have done better
    it was great. maybe shorter or less wordy but words are super important so maybe not ;)

  4. Completeness and organization of the information
    -I thought that the topic was covered very thoroughly, and that it was well organized.
    Appropriateness of the information for the learning audience
    -I thought that the information was simplified to a level that the general population can understand.
    Aesthetics of the webpage
    -The website was very cute and I loved the design, very modern.
    Strengths of the webpage
    -The website was user friendly and the video was very informative.
    Something they could have done better
    -On the main page I loved the pictures from nursing class about the s/s of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia, but I felt like they were too small and kind of low quality images.

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  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

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